We Are looking for student officers for the XXV annual HELIMUN conference. Student officers consist of the executive management, including the Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General and President of the General Assembly, committee presidents and chairs, deputy chairs and assistant presidents and Judges for the International Court of Justice and judges/prosecutors/defence for the International Criminal Court. This year we are looking for committee presidents and chairs, assistant presidents and deputy chairs, judges, prosecutors/defence.
As a chair or president you are expected to be familiar with the parliamentary procedure and be comfortable leading debate in your committee. Each chair or president is assigned with their own topic which they will study and make a research report on. After studying your topic you will be regarded as the expert chair on the topic during debate. The research report will be the students’ guideline on getting to know and understand the topic.
As a Judge you will part of the judges of the International Court of Justice. Your assignment will be to go through evidence submitted by both parties present in court and discuss the verdict with the other judges. As a prosecutor/defence of the International Criminal Court you are expected to do extensive research on the case.
If you wish to apply to be a student officer, please fill in the form below and return it by Wednesday October 9, 2025 3pm EEST. The topics for the committees can be found under ‘XXV ANNUAL SESSION‘. The Issues on the Agenda will be announced after the roles have been assigned. Please note that your first and last name and school will be published on the helimun.com website alongside the other student officers.