Helsinki International Model United Nations HELIMUN ry is a student run, non-profit organisation registered in Helsinki, Finland. HELIMUN ry arranges an annual, international Model United Nations conference for secondary school students. HELIMUN conferences provide an unique opportunity for students to practice their public speaking and language skills and deepen their understanding of contemporary international issues and the work of United Nations.

Helsinki International Model United Nations is student run a non-profit organisation a unique opportunity

XXV Annual Helsinki International Model United Nations Conference


During the XXV Annual HELIMUN conference we will have over 300 students from schools around Helsinki joining us to debate many current issues. The students will be discussing issues concerning concerning various international topics such as global security, environment and human rights. 

Besides the two General Assembly committees, the Human Rights Commission, the Economic and Social Commission, Security Council, Historical Security Council and the International Court of Justice we will be introducing a new forum, the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The schools which attended HELIMUN 2024 will be sent an invitation letter during October and new schools wishing to attend should contact the email found in the “Contact Us” section.

Experienced students wishing to apply for a special position please click the button below.