XII Annual HELIMUN Conference

The HELIMUN XII Annual Session was held at Kulosaari Secondary School on May 3-4, 2012. The theme of the XII Annual Session was Democracy & Development.

The amount of participants in the XII Annual Session was around 400 students. The conference faced major changes, since one of the General Assembly committees was dropped out to make room for the Human Rights Commission. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) adopted the new way of debating, which has been in use in the Security Council.

Students from Kulosaari Secondary School as well as from the International School of Helsinki, Espoo International School, Ressu Upper Secondary, Maunula Secondary School, Deutsche Schule and the Anglo-American School of Moscow participated in HELIMUN.

Since the theme of the conference was Democracy and Development we were lucky to get Doctor Olli Ruohomäki from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be the key note speaker.